Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Game of Thrones? about a game of HORSE instead?

With all the hullabaloo about Game of Thrones these days, everyone rushing to sit in front of the boob tube and watch fictitious barbarians kill each other and screw (admittedly - hot - but still), it makes me long for the simpler days. The days when I could throw on a pair of baggy pants and a sweatshirt, walk down the street, and find at least one other guy in the old neighborhood who was up for a quick game...

Wandering around doing the TAG gacha the other day, Sass and I ran across the sim XIN, which is absolutely amazing. That sim also made me think of where I grew up, of simpler times. So I thought it fitting that I take these blog pics there.

Quick shout out to Crazy White Boy (Toni Antfarm) for being one of the first designers I ran across on MP who made damn good perfect fitting TMP friendly cargo pants!!

[ ExcellencE ] Jacket Zero @ Cosmopolitan
Crazy White Boy (CWB) Cargo TMP friendly Grey
Hair: Alex 03 in Dark brown by Mina @ MOM
V-Spot H-Tone Sneaker Black @ MOM
beard: [TS] Kham Beard - Mocha and Goatee - Brown (tinted)
body: #TheMeshProject (BETA) Deluxe Body(m) w/ hands & feet
shape: [TOS] Khal Drogo Avatar Shape (heavily modified)
skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Judas B5c T2 HB w/ Judas eyebrow
body hair: L&E all body hair black TMP applier
tattoo: +H+ Half Deer - Fly Away Tattoo
makeup:  ~VFbyLara - BLACK Unisex Long Natural Lashes & liner
body parts: >>Aeros Cock Axiom w/ Addon [5.999d Beta] Piercings
accessories - 
              :Hebenon Vial: MALE MOD: Against the Stream [Decay] *Mesh*
   jewelry:  ***Just You Jeweks*** DUO I Love You Gen.3 Bracelet
             Arkad Baxton AP Friendship Ring with Blue Diamond Heart (modified)
             SUGAR - Lock & Key ring (modified)
             Tree of Life Ring by Celtic Myst mAgIcK Jewelry
             NOMAD // Dreamer Bracelet / Wrist Locket
Eyes: IKON Sovereign Eyes - Forest

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